Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trying to relax

So nervous for today... Let me start with my last appointment with Brinley was on a Tuesday at 4:30pm. This was the appointment I found out she was gone. I was 37w 2d. Today is a Tuesday and my appointment is at 2:15pm, I'm 36w 6d. Today is also 14 months since I had Brinley. Thankfully I have been feeling Little Bird move this morning but I can't help but feel like I'm going to get bad news...

We got her room painted and moved the furniture back in there. So over the weekend I finished the rainbow mobile I was making for her room. I also picked out a going home outfit for her and washed some clothes. I received the last couple of cloth diapers I ordered for her yesterday so I am washing all the cloth diapers I have right now. I am doing things to make me feel like she will be coming home with us.

I also feel like I have been having some slightly stronger contractions today. I've probably felt 5 or 6 so far this morning. I'm hoping I have dilated some more since last week. I'm so ready to have my baby girl in my arms.

I think I'm going to start timing my contractions to decide if I should go to the doctor earlier today. I've definitely been feeling them more this morning.