Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

26 Weeks

Little Bird has been doing great. I had a scare the other day, more so because I was busy and not having a good day. You can read about it in my Brinley Love blog HERE.

I have reached week 26! I have another week till my next doctor appointment which feels like it is still forever away. Then a week from Saturday I have my next 3D ultrasound. Can't wait to see my little girl again!

I don't think I have mentioned this before but I have hired a doula. I'm so excited about this. We have also enrolled in the childbirth class she is teaching. It is from the Birthing from Within course. We have attended two classes so far and I love it. It is totally different than the class you get through the hospital. We have talked about nutrition and relaxation techniques. She has also had us do some birthing art with pastels. I wish I had at least taken a picture of the drawings before we threw them away. In the future I will be sure to get a picture first. I love that I am spending this time with my husband and connecting in a way that brings us closer.

I love this quote from the Birthing from Within website.

We at BIRTHING FROM WITHIN® believe that pregnant women and their partners are already gestating as parents. So, we refer to anyone who is expecting a baby as a "parent", a "mother", a "father", a "grandparent", a "sibling", etc. Just because the baby is not yet born, does not mean that the work of parenting hasn't begun! It has!
 This is something that many of us babyloss moms deal with. Are we a mother or not! Of course we say we are even though we have no baby with us to show but in our hearts. It is hard for others to grasp this concept if it hasn't happened to them.

So my doula, Ashley Sullivan, is a mother of a 4-year-old daughter. She is fairly new at what she does but I feel confident in her and am glad to have her there for support. She works in the Myrtle Beach area and can be found on her Facebook Page and through her Bodhi Tree Birth Services Blog

If you are looking for a different birthing experience I highly recommend looking in her classes and services. I will be giving birth at a hospital but I believe she would do a home birth if that is what you want to.